Thursday, January 25, 2018

The Morning Routines Of The Most Successful People

Time is one of your most coveted and scarce resources as an entrepreneur, so maximizing pockets of time in your day through a productive routine is crucial.
Probably the most important period of your day is when you first wake up. Your morning routine can set you up for massive success the whole day. You can chose to linger in bed, hitting snooze and dreading the alarm, or you can set yourself up for massive daily productivity and success with the introduction of a simple 24-minute routine.
Most of this routine you’re probably already doing in some form or another, but if you’ll follow this format and stick with it for a few weeks, you’ll find yourself hopping out of bed in the morning renewed and looking forward to what lies ahead.
Here are the six steps to your ultra-productive 24-minute morning routine.

1. Brush your teeth (2 minutes)

One of the first things you should do when you get out of bed is brush your teeth. While you sleep, your mouth produces less saliva and actually dries out. Unfortunately with that decrease in saliva comes an increase in bacteria. So one of the best things you can do when you get up is to take two minutes to thoroughly brush your teeth and tongue to get rid of the influx of nighttime bacteria.

2. Drink water (1 minute)

Just like your mouth is dry, the rest of your body and brain need water after your sleep. After you’ve cleaned your mouth, you should go get a massive glass of water and drink away. I prefer to drink my water after I brush, simply because I don’t like the idea of drinking a big glass of water and flushing down massive quantities of nighttime bacteria into my system.

3. Meditate (7 minutes)

Most people make the mistake of thinking that they have to meditate for 30, 40 or even 60 minutes to experience results from meditation. I’ve found that six to seven minutes first thing in the morning is a great way to start off the day with a calm, clear head.
I personally enjoy the free headspace app to guide me through seven minutes of meditation, but you can just as easily sit in a quiet, softly lit room and practice breathing in and out. 
You can up it to 10 minutes or more if you want, but seven has been the sweet spot for me. It’s about getting some stillness and silence in the mind, nothing else. Doing it every day has introduced a calmer mindset and clearer perspective throughout my waking hours.
4. Focus (5 minutes)
How is five minutes of focusing different from meditation? The key is the intention behind the action. In meditation, I’m deliberately trying to introduce silence to my brain. No focus on thoughts, actions, to-do lists or anything other than just my breathing.
With five minutes of focusing, I set an alarm on my phone and for five minutes try to deliberately walk myself through the actions and needs of the day. This is less about looking at my calendar and more about trying to prioritize my day and lay out activities in chunks. I’m focused on the key business initiatives for the day and how I might achieve them, setting my mental goals for when I’m going to leave the office to work out or spend time with my family -- whatever needs to get done in the day ahead of me that’s going to set me up for success. It’s about focusing on how I want the day to go ahead of me so that when I lay down to sleep tonight, I can look back on the success of the day’s outcomes and shift my focus accordingly tomorrow for better results. When the alarm goes off after five minutes, I walk away from the focusing and let the day unfold. No more fussing. I know what I need to do and my brain has the clarity now to approach the day right.

5. Exercise (7 minutes)

Working out and moving is a huge part of building massive success. It’s not about being in perfect shape, but you have to move your body to move your brain and ideas around. I definitely commit time to formally working out, but I’ve noticed that inserting five to seven minutes of exercise into my morning wake-up routine really helps my body with the movement it needs to feel energized until I get to the gym later.
There’s a great app called the MINUTE WORKOUT that offers just enough of a quick movement blast to get my body going. It’s a great addition to your rock-star morning routine.

6. Stretch (2 minutes)

After the quick blast of physical movement -- stretch! As we age, we are less flexible. You don’t have time for pulled muscles, your back going out or any of the other physical limitations that can often come with a stress-packed, fast-paced entrepreneurial lifestyle. Taking two minutes to stretch every day will greatly improve your flexibility of body and mind. That’s it. After those six simple steps you’ll be ready to hop in the shower and then attack your day for massive success. You’ll have the flexibility, mental acuity and physicality to have a leg up on your competition and the workday ahead. Keep yourself strong, healthy and mentally fit with this simple but powerfully effective morning routine.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Vitamin E Benefits, Foods & Side Effects

Vitamin E Benefits, Foods & Side Effects
Health is a great asset of life and nowadays we lack in giving proper attention to what we need the most .. a healthy way of living which should include necessary ingredients like vitamins and proteins. With many aspects and others to talk, What if I told you there is a vitamin that is essential with other vitamins also act to plays the role of antioxidant, prevent free radical damage to specific fats in the body which are critical for your health and ultimately slow down aging?
Yes friends I’m talking about vitamin E, and believe it or not, vitamin E benefits don’t end there. Other vitamin E benefits include its role as an important fat-soluble vitamin that’s required for the proper function of many organs, enzymatic activities and neurological processes.
Most benefits of consuming more vitamin E-rich foods, includes treating and preventing diseases of the heart and blood vessels, such as chest pains, high blood pressure, and blocked or hardened arteries. Vitamin E is found only in plant foods, including certain oils, nuts, grains, fruits and wheat germ. It’s also available as a supplement.

So let’s find out ways that how you can get all these great vitamin E benefits, along with the best vitamin E foods, supplements and various signs of a vitamin E deficiency

Top Vitamin E Benefits
What are the top vitamin E benefits? Here are various benefits that has been found to be associated in supplementing and consuming vitamin E-rich :-
1. Repairs Damaged Skin
Vitamin E benefits skin by strengthening the capillary walls and improving moisture and elasticity, acting as a natural anti-aging nutrient within your body. Studies have shown that vitamin E reduces inflammation both within your body and on your skin, helping maintain healthy, youthful skin. These antioxidant properties are also helpful when you’re exposed to cigarette smoke or ultraviolet rays from sunlight, protecting against skin cancer.
Taking vitamin E with vitamin C fights skin inflammation after exposure to UV radiation and can also be useful in decreasing signs of acne and eczema. Vitamin E also helps the healing process in the skin. It’s absorbed by the epidermis layer of the skin and can be used to treat sunburn, which is one of the leading causes of skin cancer, among other factors. Because it speeds up cell regeneration, it can be used to treat scars, acne and wrinkles; this makes your skin look healthier and younger.
2. Fights Free Radicals and Prevents Disease Development
Free radicals fight and break down the healthy cells in your body, and this can lead to heart disease and cancer. These molecules form naturally in your body, and they can cause severe damage when they accelerate or oxidize. Certain isomers of vitamin E have powerful antioxidant abilities that have the power to reduce free radical damage, fight inflammation, and therefore help naturally slow aging in your cells and fight off health issues like heart disease.
Studies have shown that these can significantly increase immunity, therefore helping prevent both common illnesses and serious conditions from the very first step..Recent research suggests that for immune enhancement and antioxidant effects, the isomers alpha-tocotrienol, gamma-tocotrienol and to a lesser degree delta-tocotrienol seem to be the most effective.
3. Balances Cholesterol
Cholesterol is a naturally occurring substance made by the liver and required by the body for the proper function of your cells, nerves and hormones. When cholesterol levels are in their natural state, they’re balanced, normal and healthy. When cholesterol oxidizes, it becomes dangerous. Studies have shown that certain isomers of vitamin E serve as a protective antioxidant that fights cholesterol oxidation.This is because they can fight free radical damage in the body, which leads to cholesterol oxidation.
Tocotrienol isomers of vitamin E have three double bonds that positively impact cardiovascular health due to their ability to reduce activity of an enzyme that controls cholesterol production/synthesis (called HMG-CoA reductase). Tocotrienol isomers can also prevent cell adhesion and therefore slow down progression of atherosclerosis, or hardening/thickening of the arteries. It’s important to note synthetic vitamin E doesn’t seem to have the same benefits of natural forms. Too much alpha-tocopherol can actually interfere with the cholesterol-lowering action of delta and gamma-tocotrienols, which are the two most bioactive tocotrienols and the types linked to cardioprotective activities.
4. Thickens Hair
Because vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, it helps decrease environmental damage to your hair. It can also promote circulation to the scalp. Vitamin E oil can retain the natural moisture in your skin, which helps your scalp from becoming dry and flakey. This oil also makes your hair look healthier and fresher. You can apply a few drops of vitamin E oil on your hair, especially if it looks dry and dull.
5. Balances Hormones
Vitamin E can play a crucial role in balancing your endocrine and nervous systems, naturally working to balance hormones naturally.Symptoms of a hormonal imbalance may include PMS, weight gain, allergies, urinary tract infections, changes in the skin, anxiety and fatigue. By keeping your hormones in balance, you will find it easier to maintain a healthy weight, keep a regular menstrual cycle and find yourself feeling more energetic.
6. Helps PMS Symptoms
Taking a vitamin E supplement two to three days before and two to three days after a menstrual period can reduce the cramping, anxiety and cravings and other PMS symptoms. Vitamin E can decrease pain severity and duration, and it can reduce menstrual blood loss. It does this by balancing your hormones naturally, and it helps keep your menstrual cycle regulated. 
7. Improves Vision
Vitamin E may help decrease the risk of age-related macular degeneration, which is a common cause of blindness. Keep in mind, in order for vitamin E to be effective for vision, it must also be consumed with adequate intakes of vitamin C, beta-carotene and zinc. It’s also been found that taking high doses of vitamin E and vitamin A daily seems to improve healing and vision in people undergoing laser eye surgery.
8. Helps People with Alzheimer’s Disease
Research shows that the anti-inflammatory activity of tocotrienols contribute to their protection against Alzheimer’s disease. Vitamin E may slow down the worsening of memory loss and functional decline in people with moderately severe Alzheimer’s disease or other neurodegenerative disorders. It may also delay the loss of independence and the need for a caregiver or assistance. Vitamin E, taken with vitamin C, can also decrease the risk of developing several forms of dementia.
9. May Lower Cancer Risk and Improve Effects of Medical Treatments
Vitamin E is sometimes used to lessen the harmful effects of medical treatments, such as radiation and dialysis for treating cancer. This is because it’s a powerful antioxidant that fights off free radicals in the body. It’s also used to reduce unwanted side effects of drugs that may cause hair loss or lung damage.
Certain isomers of vitamin E have also been tied to cancer protection. Several animal studies have found evidence of suppression of tumor growth using oral doses of tocotrienols. While there’s more to learn about how exactly this works, several mechanisms of action are thought to be by tocotrienols, inducing cancer cell death, turning off genes tied to cancer and inhibiting angiogenesis, or the abnormal growth of blood vessels inside a tumor. In animal studies, cancer-protective abilities have been demonstrated in cases of  breast, prostate, hepatic and skin cancers.
10. Improves Physical Endurance and Muscle Strength
Vitamin E can be used to improve your physical endurance. It can increase your energy and reduce the level of oxidative stress on your muscles after you exercise.Vitamin E can also improve your muscle strength. It eliminates fatigue by promoting blood circulation and can also strengthen your capillary walls and nourish your cells.
11. Important During Pregnancy for Growth and Development 
Vitamin E is critical during pregnancy and for proper development in infants and children because it protects critical fatty acids and helps control inflammation. Some experts believe that the biggest need for vitamin E is during the 1,000-day window that begins at conception, since vitamin E impacts early stages of neurologic and brain development that can only happen during this one specific period. Because of this, it’s recommended that pregnant women, nursing mothers and children up until the age of 2 take a natural, food-based supplement to make sure they’re getting enough to prevent abnormalities.

Vitamin E Foods
Most people aren’t aware that “vitamin E” is a collective description for eight compounds, four tocopherols and four tocotrienols. Getting enough vitamin E seems to be especially critical for the very young (fetuses or infants), the elderly, and women who are or may become pregnant. I recommend consuming two to three of these vitamin E foods daily to meet your needs:
  1. Sunflower Seeds1 cup — 33.41 milligrams (220 percent)
  2. Almonds1 cup — 32.98 milligrams (218 percent)
  3. Hazelnuts: 1 cup — 20.29 milligrams (133 percent)
  4. Wheat Germ: 1 cup plain, uncooked — 18 milligrams (120 percent)
  5. Mango: 1 whole raw — 3.02 milligrams (20 percent)
  6. Avocado: One whole raw — 2.68 milligrams (18 percent)
  7. Butternut Squash1 cup cooked and cubed squash — 2.64 milligrams (17 percent)
  8. Broccoli: 1 cup cooked — 2.4 milligrams (12 percent)
  9. Spinach: ½ cup cooked or about 2 cups uncooked — 1.9 milligrams (10 percent)
  10. Kiwi: 1 medium — 1.1 milligrams (6 percent)
  11. Tomato: 1 raw — 0.7 milligram (4 percent)

Recommended Daily Intake of Vitamin E
The recommended dietary allowance for vitamin E (including different isomers), according to the USDA, includes the amount you get from both the food that you eat and any supplements you take. The daily intake is measured in milligrams (mg) and international units (IU). Recommendations for different age groups are listed below:
  • 1–3 years: 6 mg/day (9 IU)
  • 4–8 years: 7 mg/day (10.4 IU)
  • 9–13 years: 11 mg/day (16.4 IU)
  • 14 years and up: 15 mg/day (22.4 IU)
  • Pregnant: 15 mg/day (22.4 IU)
  • Breast-feeding: 19 mg/day (28.5 IU)
  • 14 years and up: 15 mg/day (22.4 IU)
The tolerable upper intake levels are the highest amount of a vitamin that most people can take safely. These high doses can be used to treat a vitamin E deficiency, and it’s important to speak to a doctor before taking more than these upper intake levels.
  • 1–3 years: 200 mg/day (300 IU)
  • 4–8 years: 300 mg/day (450 IU)
  • 9–13 years: 600 mg/day (900 IU)
  • 14–18 years: 800 mg/day (1,200 IU)
  • 18 years and up: 1,000 mg/day (1,500 IU)
Keep in mind that because vitamin E is fat-soluble, supplements work best when they’re absorbed with food, and the American Heart Association recommends obtaining antioxidants, including vitamin E, by eating a healthy and well-balanced diet that’s high in fruits, veggies and whole grains. Getting your vitamins from the food you eat is always a better alternative than using a supplement because it’s difficult to over-consume vitamin E when getting it from your regular diet.

Vitamin E Deficiency Symptoms
Vitamin E deficiencies (meaning intake of all isomers) have long been thought to be rare, and when they do happen, it’s commonly believed that it’s almost never caused by a poor diet. However, some experts believe that many people today are actually not getting enough vitamin E from their diets in natural form, especially too little tocotrienols.
There are specific situations that may lead to a vitamin E deficiency due to malfunctions in terms of how nutrients are absorbed. A premature infant who is born weighing less than 3.5 pounds is in danger of a vitamin E deficiency, but a pediatrician who specializes in the care of newborns will typically evaluate the nutritional needs of an infant to help spot and treat this early. People with fat absorption problems, which is a common problem for those who struggle with inflammatory bowel disease, may also struggle with a vitamin E deficiency in some cases.
People who have an issue with their dietary fat levels are at an increased risk because as mentioned above, fat is needed for the absorption of vitamin E. This includes anyone who has been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, has had gastric bypass surgery, or people with malabsorption problems, such as Crohn’s disease, liver disease or pancreatic insufficiency. Deficiency symptoms include loss of muscle coordination and impaired vision and speech.

Vitamin E Side Effects
Vitamin E benefits most healthy people when taken by mouth or applied directly to the skin. Most people do not experience any side effects when taking the recommended dose, but in high doses there are adverse reactions that have been recorded. Vitamin E may be unsafe when taken in very high amounts, especially for people who have conditions such as heart disease or diabetes. If you suffer from these health issues, do not take doses of 400 IU/day or more.
Some studies show that taking high doses of vitamin E, which is between 300–800 IU each day, might increase the chance of having a serious stroke called hemorrhagic stroke by 22 percent. One serious side effect of too much vitamin E is an increased risk of bleeding, especially in the brain.
Avoid taking supplements containing vitamin E or any other antioxidant vitamins immediately before and following angioplasty, a type of heart procedure. These vitamins seem to interfere with proper healing, so speak to your health care professional if you’re undergoing this kind of procedure and taking any supplements/vitamins.
Supplementing with very high levels of vitamin E could potentially lead to the following health concerns:
  • heart failure in people with diabetes
  • worsening bleeding disorders
  • increasing the chances that head, neck and prostate cancer will return
  • increasing bleeding during and after surgery
  • increasing chance of death after a heart attack or stroke
One study found that vitamin E supplements can also be harmful to women who are in the early stages of pregnancy. Women who took vitamin E supplements during their first eight weeks of pregnancy showed an increase of congenital heart defects. High doses of vitamin E can also sometimes lead to nausea, diarrhea, stomach cramps, fatigue, weakness, headache, blurred vision, rash, bruising and bleeding. Topical vitamin E can irritate some people’s skin, so try a small amount first and make sure you don’t have a sensitivity.

Relationship with Other Nutrients and Interactions
Vitamin E supplements can slow down blood clotting, and when you use medications that also slow clotting, you may increase the chances of bruising and bleeding. Some medications that slow blood clotting include aspirin, clopidogrel, ibuprofen and warfarin. Warfarin (Coumadin), in particular, is used to slow blood clotting. Taking vitamin E with warfarin can increase your chances of bruising and bleeding, so be sure to have your blood checked regularly in order to regulate your dosing.
Medications that are used for lowering cholesterol may also interact with vitamin E. It’s not known if taking vitamin E alone decreases the effectiveness of some cholesterol-lowering medications, but it does seem to affect cholesterol when taken with beta-carotene, vitamin C and selenium.

Final Thoughts on Vitamin E Benefits
  • Vitamin E benefits the body by playing the role of an antioxidant. As a fat-soluble vitamin, vitamin E benefits include its role in proper function of many organs, enzymatic activities and neurological processes.
  • Vitamin E is a collective description for eight compounds, four tocopherols and four tocotrienols, and they provide different vitamin E benefits. It’s best to get a variety of vitamin E isomers from your diet, given that different types have different benefits.
  • Vitamin E benefits include balancing cholesterol, fighting free radicals, preventing disease development, repairing damaged skin, thickening hair, balancing hormones, helping PMS symptoms, improving vision, helping people with Alzheimer’s, potentially lowering cancer risk and improving effects of medical treatments, and boosting physical endurance and muscle strength.
  • Vitamin E is found only in plant foods, including certain oils, nuts, grains, fruits and wheat germ. It’s also available as a supplement. Some of the top vitamin E foods you can eat to get these vitamin E benefits include sunflower seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, wheat germ, mango, avocado, butternut squash, broccoli, spinach, kiwi and tomato.
  • Vitamin E benefits the mother and child during pregnancy as well, as it’s a vital vitamin for growth and development.
  • Vitamin E deficiency symptoms include include loss of muscle coordination and impaired vision and speech.
  • Vitamin E may be unsafe when taken in very high amounts, especially for people who have conditions such as heart disease or diabetes. If you suffer from these health issues, do not take doses of 400 IU/day or more.