Monday, January 25, 2021

For the first time, Bangladesh army to join 72nd Republic Day parade of India

  1. Celebrating Fifty years of diplomatic relations between the two countries. 
  2. For the first time, a contingent of the Armed Forces of Bangladesh will participate in the Republic Day Parade in Delhi. This troop will comprise 122 jawans of Bangladesh.
  3. This year is also the 50th anniversary of Bangladesh's liberation struggle.
  4. This is the third time that a military force from any other country is participating in the Republic Day celebrations here. Earlier in 2016, France and in 2017 United Arab Emirates legion took part.
  5. India has given special importance to the participation of a large party of a neighboring friendly country in the 72nd Republic Day celebrations.
  6. The Bangladesh contingent will be led by Commander Lt Col Abu Mohammad Shahnoor Shan and his deputy Lt Farhan Isharaq and flight lieutenant Sibat Rahman.
  7. The contingent will include Bangladesh Army soldiers, Bangladeshi Navy sailors, and Bangladesh Air Force air warriors.
  8. This Bangladesh armed force is excited to participate in the 72nd Republic Day celebrations at Rajpath in Delhi.
  9. A total of 18 contingents of the armed forces, paramilitary forces, Delhi Police, NCC, and NSS will participate in the parade along with 36 bands in the Republic Day parade in Delhi. The parade's "full dress rehearsal" took place on Saturday morning.

  • #republicday #india  #indian  #happyrepublicday #republicdayindia #celebration #parade #firsttime
  • Sunday, January 17, 2021

    Tips and Tricks while using the internet

    Never use free stuff (open Wifi or public access to the internet)

    Social networks are gold mines of personal information for cybercriminals, especially for targeted spear-phishing emails. Below are few things IT security professionals always discuss online but we mostly ignore:-

    1. Any birthdays/addresses/other items. Those are used for your network passwords (most have sophisticated passwords for those refer point four below)We know many of us to use these for passwords despite the best advice to avoid. Don't also advertise them on social media platforms. Never Share your real birthdays, real full address on the internet (used in your bank details and official documents)
    2. Your vacation schedule and home photos It's like an advertisement for when you will be out of town while doing reconnaissance for the criminals.
    3. Your phone number Cybercriminals are getting more creative. More and more criminals are calling a targeted audience and asking for information. For example, some criminals call and pretend they are from their help desk and need to reset passwords. When in doubt, go with your gut. If something seems off or you don't know the person, ask for their contact information and look into it. Ultimately, it's better to be safe than polite. Second never use/add the phone number you used in your bank details, aadhaar card on social media platforms.
    4. Your Passwords Never save your passwords in the web browsers and try not to allow “cookies” on every website.
    5. Incognito mode for internet banking Close the existing web browser (open) and open a new window with incognito mode to use internet banking. Phishing isn't going anywhere. As long as people use social networks and email continues to be a key workplace communication the channel,spear-phishing will be a weapon of choice for cybercrime.

    Script of a phishing, smishing attack, how fake links, websites and emails works?

     Through the news on the internet came across the two articles about:-

    • The Chinese nationals operating in India and carried out the fraud by just simple links. (will explain how such frauds operate)(please refer to Crimetak news channel youtube link
    • The Prominent former NDTV anchor was the victim of a phishing attack (a term commonly used in bank-related online fraud but has a vast meaning, please refer to this) when an offer of Harvard journalism professorship found fake.

    Being a graduate we know how this scoop work, you know why? Because in our life we all are at some stage are the victim of such phishing attacks, maximum unknowingly. 

    In the early days of graduation, the internet was in its premature stage so do we. In those days, we had a long list of stories just like that about fake websites fake interviews. I have a ton of such stories. With the evolution of the internet the prima facie act of such scams never changed a bit, only a few toppings were added in the recipe of scam. 

    The goal is to trick you into believing that a message has arrived from a trusted person or organization, and then convincing you to take action that gives the attacker exploitable information (like bank account login credentials, for example) or access to your mobile device.

    Such scam works in layers that exist as early as the 1990s. The most common scams encountered these days are:

    • Fake emails with links to various job offers. (nowadays many websites has a prior popup about their hiring process and explaining how on can be fooled by their names)
    • Fake websites offering different perks. (about franchise, lottery & other lucrative stuff)
    • Fake links of apps that stole data from mobile devices and laptops. (hacking is just a little part of that we always worried about but the actual risk involved are too much)
    • Creating a clone Facebook id, and asking for money.
    • Smishing is a cyberattack that uses misleading text messages to trick victims into sharing valuable information, installing malware, or giving away money.
    • Phishing, smishing, vishing all have the same script but the mode of the apprentice is different.

    With lots of stuff going on the WhatsApp policy updates, such scams surfacing getting media attention and coverage, and all of sudden we are all wondering what kind of situation we are all into it, on the open ground of the internet. You all have come across posts and articles about the same. Am,I right?

    Now wondering how we can prevent ourselves from such horrors’ (ferocious) acts on the internet. The simple answer is fully bulletproof plan is impossible but as doctors always say “prevention is better than cure”.

    So now try to understand what are the steps of this script but before that, it is important to be aware of how these scammers work.

    A simple lesson to learn is “nothing is free in this world, if someone offers something for free, then my friend believe it or not “Product” is you only”.

    I am no hacker but I can simply learn your location, mobile device info, your IP address, mobile connection (much more) I can do all these from a simple link, I just shared in this article. (how?)

    You all will be wondering what? How? 

    I simply shared a link, you clicked on it and it takes you where you wanted to be or what it said to do (in this case youtube video of the official page of Crimetak).

    Then how I got all this information related to you.

    Did I add something to the link that was not visible or you just ignored the little details? The answer is both. 

    You know “how”? 

    Let me explain it to you. All scammers have the old-school basic typical script that they follow in their hearts which starts, when you receive an SMS email phone call or visit a website, asking to click a link or allowing cookies for a better experience.

    There are few Indicators that should always ring a bell but we mostly ignore them:

    • Receiving texts/communication using unnatural or use of ungrammatical language,
    • Offers that seem too good to be true, usually they are
    • Scripts asking to click embedded links or download apps directly from a text message(which you just did which I shared)(if not, by curiosity visited the link at least once to look at what was in it)
    • The IRS and Social Security Administration don't communicate via text. (they started doing now, but a few things must be kept old school)
    • Allowing cookies while surfing the website. (we just ignore the popup message and click allow)
    • Saving our password on the different websites and web browser

    What I did was sharing a piece of genuine information with a valid link but in between the link I added few scripts that were visible but ignored by all (cookies also do the same)

    Any genuine link always start with https:// but was my link the same? No, similarly all the links have similar characteristics, anything before https:// is a sign of a manufactured link, which may result in data theft. Few examples are:

    • Check shortened URLs
    • Look for misspellings
    • Keep an eye out for an extra URL words


    Please Read More: Tips and Tricks while using the internet.

    Thursday, January 14, 2021

    ५५ साल के भारतीय इतिहास में ऐसा पहली बार होगा की कोई मुख्य अतिथि गणतंत्र दिवस परेड में,उपस्थित नहीं होगा

    भारत 26 जनवरी 2021 को अपना 72 वां गणतंत्र दिवस मनाएगा। भारत एक स्वतंत्र, संप्रभु और लोकतांत्रिक देश के रूप में 26 जनवरी 1950 को अपना संविधान लागू किया, जिसका मूल उदेश्य  “लोगों का देश, और लोगों के लिए है” |  

    भारत एक सबसे बड़े डेमोक्रेटिक रिपब्लिक देश में से एक है, हर साल गणतंत्र दिवस परेड का भव्य आयोजन -भारत की सेना के साथ-साथ समृद्ध सांस्कृतिक भारतीय विरासत को भी दर्शाता है और हर साल एक विदेशी नेता को आमंत्रित करने की परंपरा का पालन करता है।

    इस वर्ष ब्रिटेन के प्रधान मंत्री बोरिस जॉनसन को इस कार्यक्रम के लिए आमंत्रित किया गया था, लेकिन उनके देश में कोरोनोवायरस के नए तनाव के कारण उन्होंने आने से मना कर दिया गया ( असमर्थता जताई ), जिसके कारण पुरे ब्रिटेन में  दूसरे चरण में तालाबंदी हुई है । (आधिकारिक अधिसूचना ब्रिटेन के विदेश विभाग द्वारा जारी की गई)|

    पिछली बार 1993 में, यूनाइटेड किंगडम के प्रधान मंत्री जॉन मेजर को मुख्य अतिथि के रूप में आमंत्रित किया गया था और यदि बोरिस ने निमंत्रण को अस्वीकार नहीं किया होता , तो वह ब्रिटेन के 6 वें प्रधानमंत्री होंते , जो गणतंत्र दिवस पर भारत का दौरा करते (आमंत्रित होते )|


    मगर क्या आपको पता है:-५५ साल के भारतीय इतिहास में ऐसा पहली बार होगा की कोई मुख्य अतिथि उपस्थित नहीं होगा 

    {इससे पहले ऐसा तीन बार और हो चूका है १९५२/५३ और ६६ में}

    • 1966 में, ताशकंद में 11 जनवरी 1966 को तत्कालीन प्रधानमंत्री श्री लाल बहादुर शास्त्री के दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण निधन के कारण कोई निमंत्रण नहीं दिया गया था। श्रीमती इंदिरा गांधी के नेतृत्व वाली नई सरकार को गणतंत्र दिवस से दो दिन पहले 24 जनवरी को शपथ दिलाई गई थी।

    • प्रारंभिक चार गणतंत्र दिवस परेड 1950 से 1954 (लाल किला, रामलीला मैदान, इरविन स्टेडियम, किंग्सवे) के बीच विभिन्न स्थानों पर आयोजित किए गए थे। एक कारण यह भी है कि in1952 और 1953 में कोई निमंत्रण नहीं भेजा गया था।

    • लेकिन पहला उत्सव राजपथ पर 1955 में आयोजित किया गया था।

    • इंडोनेशिया के राष्ट्रपति सुकर्णो भारत के पहले गणतंत्र दिवस परेड में पहले मुख्य अतिथि थे।

    • यूनाइटेड किंगडम और फ्रांस के प्रतिनिधियों को अबतक सर्वाधिक 5 बार आमंत्रित किया गया है।

    • वर्ष 2018 में, एक नहीं, दो नहीं, बल्कि 10 देशों के राष्ट्राध्यक्षों ने गणतंत्र दिवस परेड की शोभा बढ़ाई! यह पहली बार था कि एक साथ इतनी बड़ी संख्या में देशों का प्रतिनिधित्व किया गया। ये कंबोडिया, इंडोनेशिया, लाओस, मलेशिया, म्यांमार, फिलीपींस, सिंगापुर, थाईलैंड और वियतनाम थे। ये सभी आसियान (एसोसिएशन ऑफ साउथ ईस्ट एशियन नेशंस) के सदस्य हैं, जिनके साथ भारत ने गर्मजोशी से संबंध स्थापित किए हैं।


    आइये जानने की कोशिस करते है की  भारत के गणतंत्र दिवस के लिए मुख्य अतिथि को कैसे चुना जाता है?

    भारत के गणतंत्र दिवस परेड में मुख्य अतिथि को प्रोटोकॉल के मामले में देश के सर्वोच्च सम्मान से नवाजा जाता है, विदेशी नेता को आमंत्रित करने का मुख्य उद्देश्य द्विपक्षीय संबंधों को बढ़ावा देना और भारतीय संस्कृति की विविधता और समृद्धि को दिखाना है।

    गणतंत्र दिवस से छह महीने पहले, भारत सरकार या तो राज्य के प्रमुख को निमंत्रण भेजती है या भारत संबंधित देश के साथ किस तरह का संबंध रखता है उस पर भी निमंत्रण निर्भर करता है ।

    निमंत्रण भेजने से पहले भारत के राष्ट्रपति से मंजूरी के अलावा भारतीय प्रधानमंत्री की मंजूरी मांगी जाती है।

    गणतंत्र दिवस परेड के लिए विदेशी मेहमानों को आमतौर पर नवंबर तक आधिकारिक निमंत्रण दिया जाता है ताकि दोनों पक्षों को शेड्यूलिंग और तैयारियों के लिए पर्याप्त समय मिल सके।

    {भारत के राष्ट्रपति की ओर से भारत सरकार (विदेश मंत्रालय) को निमंत्रण भेजा जाता है}

    • पहले ऐसे अवसर भी आए हैं जब मुख्य अतिथि ने अपनी ओर से अपना प्रतिनिधि भेजा है।

    • ऐसे अवसर आए हैं जहां सरकार को गणतंत्र दिवस के आयोजन के लिए नए मेहमानों की तलाश करनी पड़ी है।

    1.नए मेहमानों को निमंत्रण

    • 2012 में, मनमोहन सिंह सरकार ने 2013 गणतंत्र दिवस परेड में मुख्य अतिथि होने के लिए ओमान के सुल्तान कबूस बिन सैद अल सैद से संपर्क किया था। औपचारिक निमंत्रण के लिए ओमान से एक पुष्टि प्राप्त हुई थी। हालांकि, सुल्तान कबूस बिन सैद अल सैद ने बाद में गणतंत्र दिवस परेड में मुख्य अतिथि बनने से इनकार कर दिया।

    • उसके बाद, विदेश मंत्रालय ने गणतंत्र दिवस परेड में मुख्य अतिथि के रूप में राजा जिग्मे खेसर नामग्याल वांगचुक को आमंत्रित करने के लिए भूटान सरकार के साथ काम किया।

    • औपचारिक निमंत्रण को तत्कालीन विदेश मंत्री सलमान खुर्शीद ने बढ़ाया था जो 2013 में गणतंत्र दिवस से दो सप्ताह पहले भूटान आए थे।

    • 2019 गणतंत्र दिवस परेड के लिए, अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रम्प मुख्य अतिथि के लिए पहली पसंद थे।

    • विदेश मंत्रालय ने 2018 की दूसरी छमाही में अमेरिकी सरकार से संपर्क किया था, और ऐसा लग रहा था कि ट्रम्प प्रशासन सहमत हो गया था। हालांकि, बाद में एक बयान दिया गया था जिसमें कहा गया था कि ट्रम्प परेड में शामिल नहीं हो पाएंगे।

    • हालांकि, ट्रम्प को कोई "औपचारिक निमंत्रण" नहीं भेजा गया था। बाद में, दक्षिण अफ्रीकी राष्ट्रपति सिरिल रामाफोसा ने मुख्य अतिथि के रूप में परेड में भाग लिया।

    भारत के लिए वर्तमान विकल्प:

    • एक सूत्र के अनुसार, इस बात की संभावना है कि श्रीलंका के प्रधानमंत्री महिंदा राजपक्षे या राष्ट्रपति गोतबाया राजपक्षे इस वर्ष इस अवसर के लिए भारत की यात्रा कर सकते हैं। विदेश मंत्री एस जयशंकर इस समय देश की तीन दिवसीय यात्रा पर हैं जहां वह शीर्ष नेतृत्व से मुलाकात करेंगे।

    • सूत्रों ने कहा कि सरकार भूटान के राजा जिग्मे खेसर नामग्येल वांगचुक को निमंत्रण देने पर भी विचार कर रही है, जो 2013 में गणतंत्र दिवस परेड के लिए मुख्य अतिथि थे।


    Wednesday, January 13, 2021

    Is What's app going to reveal your Privacy?


    Is What's app going to reveal your Privacy?

    In the present scenario, there is a lot going on whats app policy update, everybody wants to know, “what the heck is going on the internet?” Everyone is sharing their views and opinion on this. This policy update is going too serious now. You all have come across posts and articles about the same. Am, right?

    The major concern that comes out of this all issue is that people are worried about their privacy.

    But I don't think that suddenly privacy is the issue, it is more about how you have used the freedom of expressing yourself on the internet.

    You know why I am saying “there is a difference between what you are willing to share and what you are bound to share (accept if you want to use)”?

    Privacy was long sacrifice when we started to use the internet for granted and unknowingly accepting cookies of sites, accepting terms and conditions of different sites, allowing the various applications to grant permission at the time of installation, clicking on the different links on the internet, through messages and complaint about the mishaps occurred following such events. 

    Because, if you are on the Internet then almost all of you, have shared many of your images and pictures on different social media platforms, every single day and probably update your location with the post. You shared all of your best life moments on social media or on the internet.

    All these were your own choice and you were aware of the pros and cons of such sharing in public domains.

    But now look into the new update and how your willingness is turned into boundation?

    Let's have a look that what is the new policy of What's app?

    In a very simple term-

    WhatsApp’s new privacy policy notes that when users rely on “third-party services or other Facebook Company Products that are integrated with our Services, those third-party services may receive information about what you or others share with them.”

    Now the two most common questions come from people?

    1.    Will WhatsApp share your messages with Facebook?

    The answer is NO.(with a clause)

    The privacy policy does not change the way WhatsApp treats personal chats. WhatsApp remains end-to-end encrypted — no third party can read them. In a statement, WhatsApp said: “The update does not change WhatsApp’s data-sharing practices with Facebook and does not impact how people communicate privately with friends or family… WhatsApp remains deeply committed to protecting people’s privacy.”

    2.    What data will WhatsApp share with Facebook?

    WhatsApp shares the following information with Facebook and its other companies: 

    a.account registration information (phone number), (never use your number registered with banking and other important for surfing internet)

    b.transaction data (WhatsApp now has payments in India), (don't know why people trust on non-banking apps for transactions, all bank related information will be shared with Facebook clearly mentioned)

    c.service-related information, information on how you interact with others (including businesses), doesn't it mean evaluating your chats, which means someone is monitoring your chats every time. {Facebook recently stopped a suicide near Mumbai because they were monitoring the feeds} device information, (which implies more access to hardware and software of mobile, installed apps information will be shared so those using sensitive apps like mobile banking apps are now more vulnerable and are at the risk of hacking. Most important is, they already have the access to your gallery, messages, and storage space which can be now shared with anyone whom they want)

    d.IP address. (easier for a hacker to hack in, sharing IP address is just like giving your house address and house key to anyone, either you trust or don’t trust the person)

    Note:-It is also collecting more information at a device hardware-level now. (any time they can install or install any apps on your phone)

    And you know what? What's app and many apps are doing this for so long time? It is not the first time that they share your data with Facebook or others. The only difference is now they are telling you. That's it!!

    New policy update means “EXPOSING” yourself to more internet vulnerability, scams happen only because of ignorance, sharing data to an extent is acceptable but beyond that, I am no consumer of such a thing.

    It is also true when you get something for free then the product is you, advise others not to be a “PRODUCT”, because in the end, we can't blame for our lack of interest in our own negligence and be easy prey for hackers.

    So what we can do now, what are the options we have:

    For me simple three-step formula:-

    1. Use incognito mode for internet banking while using chrome.

    2. Never save your login credentials on any site.

    3. Never use your data that is used in important documents to verify on social platforms.

    Note:-. if possible have separate mobiles for banking apps

    I hope now you will understand this issue. Let me know your thoughts on this.

    Have a great day.