Friday, December 20, 2019

Class 1 - Digital Marketing Internship Program (December 18th)

Hello all, I was in the field of marketing for all most 2 years and then came to learn about Digital Marketing. For quite some time I was following Digital Deepak blogs and his Facebook page and then decided to give a shot for his courses offered because before practicing I needed a confidence to built in me, that only bring by an effective system, simple language and more importantly the teaching style with content focused, that sync with my abilities for learning.

I came across Digital Marketing Internship Opportunity by Digital Deepak in one of his webinar and in no time enrolled in Digital Marketing Internship without any doubt. It was a rare opportunity to be disciple of a person from long distance because I personally came from Tier 3 city and will never had such Teacher (like Deepak Kanakaraju sir) to solve groom, shape what  I have.

The opening remark from him “Deciding where to compete is half your success.” Was most motivating because we all have potential but never know where to invest time, knowledge and efforts to gain the maximum.

As a beginner I always try to search for the topics related to digital marketing beginner as career path and manly focusing on my doubts on various online platforms and most of them were very focused in solving problems and I was like copycat ,do all the steps as they say without any interaction  to ask them “hey dude why this ,why not that”.
In attending first class of “Digital Marketing Internship Program” I was very much clear about the basics. Where all lack was in “communication” as I described earlier also. Communication helps in content creation, sales and becoming a successful professional or entrepreneur. 
Focusing on the basic in the introductory class I learnt to improve and polish my skill by self-improvement by simple 4 major day to day adoptions:

1.     Read a lot (30 minutes a day) - start with simple books and move to complex ones.
2.   Listen to podcasts (30 minutes a day)
3.    Write a lot, the more you write, the better you can write. (500 words a day).
4.   Watch English sitcoms (Office, Seinfeld, Silicon Valley & more) 
In very word of Deepak Kanakaraju sir “Riches are in the niches” and “ If you are everything to everyone, you will be nothing to no one.”

The easiest way to make money online is to start with a profitable niche. Discover the most popular best niches that sell to make money online. And your niches must be your interest ,and to select your interest just start with the topics one search himself majority of time he spent online then start market research with your own problems and how did you find solutions. If you could not find a solution, maybe others are looking for the same. — “Scratch Your Own Itch”.
Best way to find market need is by using Keyword Tools such as Adwords Keyword Tool, UberSuggest, Answer the Public, Ahrefs, Moz, SEMrush, Search Console,
Focusing on keywords with High purchase intent one can aim at better market opportunity.
With Google trends, be familiar with the new and latest trend for what the world is searching for. Whenever you find a higher Purchase Intent in these keywords, there is a marketing opportunity.
After the first session I am sure that “I had my first foot right”. Looking forward in the enrolled 12 weeks course to learn more about - Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Paid Advertising, Sales and Conversions, Search Engine Optimization (SEO),Social Media Marketing.