The skies of Uttar Pradesh's Prayagraj were graced by an awe-inspiring phenomenon on Friday. A sun halo, also known as a 22-degree halo or a circular halo, is an optical phenomenon that appears as a bright ring around the sun. The halo is caused by the reflection, refraction, and dispersion of sunlight by ice crystals in the Earth's atmosphere.
When the sun's light passes through the ice crystals, it is bent or refracted at an angle of 22 degrees, which creates a circular ring around the sun. The ice crystals also act as tiny prisms, separating the sunlight into various colors, which is why the halo appears as a rainbow-colored ring.
Sun halos are most commonly seen in cold or freezing conditions when ice crystals are present in the atmosphere. The shape and size of the halo depend on the size and shape of the ice crystals and the angle at which they are oriented.
In addition to the 22-degree halo, there are other types of halos that can appear around the sun, such as the 46-degree halo, the circumzenithal arc, and the supralateral arc, among others. These halos are caused by different shapes and orientations of the ice crystals in the atmosphere.
Here are the live glimpses of Sun Halo experienced by me today in the Prayagraj District of Uttar Pradesh in India.