Saturday, January 24, 2015


Some day when we see each other in the crowd of hasle....just wanted u to recognise me and pass on the simple simle while crossing each other. That what atleast I can dream too. In these years I had learnt many things one is to control the outcomes of emotional breakdown but in the recent few months I had some serious emotional outbrust resulting in end with couple of street fights with few group members. But nothing it was just a rampage of life . I had always dream about the girl with whome I share all ,talk out when ever I needed most but suddenly I realised that I only thought about what everybody else wants and trying to impress everybody else except myself, I had not any emotional attachments with my dreams, they are just let be to happen as it prceeds. I more care about expressing my thoughts in writing rather to speak out. Matter with me is confusing ...even I don't figure it out. That's why my dream girl absence hurts me a lot. She is always cuteness carrying and keeps my all secrets with her atlest she had faith in me after seeing few of close ones with their mates and they just don't care about girls emotions ..yes I can only tell them rights but to act is there choice of seats. My dream girl is very free broad minded but never it happened to me give her a name. Any shadow just like her or any part of her personality match attract me a lot and few times I had committed the negligence. Dishonour towards couple of girls and both in mba itself. I really hate me and if I not like myself don't think any other will do..just in this life I can talk to any body but with any girl if I had any extra talk with few emotions,it really make me out of my comfort just a fear not to hurt girls emotions or mine guilt of past....either it may be my cowardness of being  not to face rejection any more. I might not able to test my faith any more... my faith was always a key players it showed all possibility of achieving but when u were just to achieve ahha a u turn from faiths later

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